
The 6G vision needs a Reset

I used to say that #5G is “just another G”. Actually, I was wrong. Objectively it has been an expensive failure, rather than a valuable upgrade. That’s a very different place to where we were with 4G/LTE in 2014. I don’t want to review everything that’s gone wrong. I’ve…

6G and selected future regulatory touchpoints

I’m starting to think a lot more about #6G regulatory themes. What should telecom regulators and policymakers start thinking about now, even though 6G is a long way in the future? #Spectrum is obvious, but there are plenty of other areas to consider as well. Many aspects of rulemaking take…

Stop hallucinating: XR isn’t a central 5G/6G use-case

“The future is already here – it’s just not very evenly distributed”. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard William Gibson’s most famous quote at technology conferences. In many ways, it fits well with the nature of 5G wireless. It’s here… but it’s patchy. Hold that thought,…

These use of AI and Machine Learning in 6G

Categorizing the 130 projects recently discovered in 6G discussions as expected to require AI/machine learning, we expect the AI landscape to look like this: Across the top, the diagram shows the categories of AI project (please see previous blog post) – described as“not really AI” through to having “6G specific…

Is 6G really “AI-Native”?

6G is coming along behind the hype of 5G and unless there is a coherent list of AI activities with a return on investment attached, it is going to be harder for all parties (telcos and vendors) to make investment decisions. We spent some time looking at projects discussed as…

6 Key Questions for your 6G Strategy … and Our Answers

1. What actually is 6G? 6G is not yet formally defined, but the broad contours are becoming clearer, with an approaching consensus for certain features and needs, plus a long-list of potential capabilities and technological features. 6G represents a chance to fix the limitations already visible with 5G, and also…

Webinar “6G: Hype or Reality”

Dean and Charlotte’s recent webinar for STL Research. 6G: Hype versus reality…

Welcome to Disruptive 6G! Our starting point…

Welcome to Disruptive 6G, a new project to analyse, predict and advise on developments in the next generation of wireless technology.  We are Charlotte Patrick and Dean Bubley, two seasoned technology analysts with expertise from spectrum policy and cellular business models, through to virtualisation and AI. We’ll be posting articles…